

stragan z owocami na Braddell/ fruit stand at Braddell

Kolejna dawka egzotyki. Tym razem relacja z lokalnych straganów. Raczej niewiele na nich jabłek, truskawki to tylko z plastiku. Ale za to inne smakowite i często zaskakujące przybyłych z dalekich krajów owoce.

Another dose of exotic stuff. This time I serve you a report from the lokal fruit stands. They have not too many of apples and the strawberries you can get only in a plastic wrapping. But instead of buying our traditional stuff you can find a lot of teastefull and surprising (for those who came from far away countries) fruits.

i don't know the name

something very soft and sweet wrapped in a dry banana leaf

dragon fruit and bananas in the background :)


more familiar

1 comment:

  1. Those fruits which you call "i don't know the name" are Lambutans :P
