W dzisiejszym odcinku hongkongckich opowieści prawdziwy klasyk, czyli Big Buddha i zakon Po Lin. Jedna z najbardziej charakterystycznych i najchętniej odwiedzanych atrakcji turystycznych Hong Kongu.
Jedno z największych przedsawień Buddy na świecie, 34-metrowy posąg z brązu wzniesiony na szczycie wzgórza na wyspie Lantau robi niesamowite wrażenie. Właśnie zobaczyliśmy zdjęcia nocą i chyba trzeba będzie tam wrócić na nocną sesję :)
Jak wiadomo, buddyści są bardzo pokojowo nastawieni do świata, więc na terenie zakonu zakazuje się dwóch rzeczy - picia alkoholu i jedzenia mięsa. Pod posągiem znajduje się muzeum poświęcone dokładnie nie wiem czemu, ale zobaczyć tam można chińskie malowidła i inne dzieła sztuki, jednak gwoździem programu jest ząb Buddy w kryształowej szkatule. Tak więc jeśli ktoś myślał, że tylko katolicy modlą się do zębów i innych części ciała świętych, to już wie, że był w błędzie. Niestety ciężko jest tę buddyjską relikwie zobaczyć, bo z dystansu, do jakiego dopuszcza się odwiedzających widoczna jest tylko szkatuła. Na koniec zwiedzania mnisi serwują miłą niespodziankę, czyli lody i wodę (zastanawialiśmy się, czy sprzedaż biletów do muzeum przynosi jakieś zyski, bo nie byliśmy pewni nawet tego, czy cena biletów pokrywa koszty lodów i wody).
Po przejściu 268 stopni w górę i w dół nasze żołądki wołały jeść i wykupiliśmy obiad de luxe w tutejszej restauracji. Pomimo podwyższonego standardu dania miały typowy dla Hong Kongu smak - wszystko skąpane w specyficznym sosiku, który raczej nie jest moim ulubionym i okraszone dziwnymi grzybkami, którym wg mojego języka daleko nawet do naszych podgrzybków, ale jak wiadomo, kwestia gustu :)
In today's episode of Hong Kong stories I present a real classic thing - Big Buddha and Po Lin convent. It is one of the most characteristic and most frequent visited Hong Kong attraction. One of the biggest presentation of Buddha in the world the 34 meters high bronse monument located on one of Lantau hills is very impressive. We have just saw the night photographs and now we have to be back there for another photoshoot ;).
As you probably know the buddist are very peaceful so on the convent area you are not allowed to do two things - drinking alcohol and eating meat. Below the monument you can find a museum (I'm not too sure what is it about) with chinese paintings, canvas etc but the most important place is a cristal casket with Buddha's tooth. So if you thought that olny Christians are praying in front of teeths and other body's parts now you know that it wasn't true. Unfortunately it is hard to see the tooth cause from the distance you are allowed to approach it's invisible, you can see only the casket but we believe it is there :) In the end of museum sightseeing monks prepared a nice surprise - ice creams and water (we have been thinking if they have any benefits from the tickets cause the price of them is very low and we are not sure if it's even equal with ice cream price).
After walking up and down on 268 steps we were pretty hungry so we decided to buy de luxe lunch in local restaurant. Despite the higher standart of a meal food had characteristic for Hong Kong taste. Everything was bathed is jelly sauce which rather isn't my favourite one. There was also a lot of chinese mashrooms which aren't (in my opinion) even half as good as polish ones :)
In today's episode of Hong Kong stories I present a real classic thing - Big Buddha and Po Lin convent. It is one of the most characteristic and most frequent visited Hong Kong attraction. One of the biggest presentation of Buddha in the world the 34 meters high bronse monument located on one of Lantau hills is very impressive. We have just saw the night photographs and now we have to be back there for another photoshoot ;).
As you probably know the buddist are very peaceful so on the convent area you are not allowed to do two things - drinking alcohol and eating meat. Below the monument you can find a museum (I'm not too sure what is it about) with chinese paintings, canvas etc but the most important place is a cristal casket with Buddha's tooth. So if you thought that olny Christians are praying in front of teeths and other body's parts now you know that it wasn't true. Unfortunately it is hard to see the tooth cause from the distance you are allowed to approach it's invisible, you can see only the casket but we believe it is there :) In the end of museum sightseeing monks prepared a nice surprise - ice creams and water (we have been thinking if they have any benefits from the tickets cause the price of them is very low and we are not sure if it's even equal with ice cream price).
After walking up and down on 268 steps we were pretty hungry so we decided to buy de luxe lunch in local restaurant. Despite the higher standart of a meal food had characteristic for Hong Kong taste. Everything was bathed is jelly sauce which rather isn't my favourite one. There was also a lot of chinese mashrooms which aren't (in my opinion) even half as good as polish ones :)
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